Is an Egyptian born artist living and creating in Vienna. He works in a multidisciplinary manner setting no boundaries to his creation.

The work of his is bold and confrontational – pointedly addressing a very high aesthetic standard but also tender, beautiful and loving.

According to Fouad Samy the concept of ‘‘being real‘‘ is about a lot more than looking like nature, this idea is central to his work. What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things. He takes the search for the spirit of his subjects in a different direction, rejecting realistic form altogether in search of an abstracted form that could communicate what he calls the inner hidden reality.

The artist should know how to dig out the being that is within matter, Fouad seeks to create sculptures that convey the true essence of his subjects, be they animals, people, or objects by concentrating on highly simplified forms with arabic ornamentation.

In his work he tackles themes like technology, hierachy, the anicent egyptian civilization, transcendence, color, a certain longing for the future, uniformity, dystopia, tradition, Bauhaus meets artificial intelligence and above all the abstraction of all matter. The sculptures and garments themselves almost always portray an architectural quality as its fouadsamy’s first learned method of expression.

As an artist, Fouad’s work is characterized by pure and simple lines which convey elements of forcefulness and spirituality. His versatility appears again and again as he works in a variety of media including sculpture, architecture and fashion - but the result is a distinctive Fouad Samy Style.

The bases his sculptures sit on, Fouad regards as part of the sculpture, as sculptures themselves, baring the same artistic language he uses. The base is part of the Art. The concept that a sculpture and its method of support could be a united whole is one of Fouad’s main philosophies.

Fouad Samy’s work is largely fueled by myths, folklore, and traditional arabian cultures. These traditional, old-world sources of inspiration form a unique contrast to the often sleek appearance of his works, resulting in a distinctive blend of modernity and timelessness.

His subject matter is Egyptian. Unlike classical Greek or Roman art, which may be described as basically physical, the essence of Egyptian Art is spiritual. His sparse, minimalistic shapes often impose a sculptured quality on his work.

In the world of Fouad Samy, there are no different disciplines, all has become one, thus his expression is not limited by boundaries, rules and pre conceived notions making his ultimate goal, a divine artistic expression.

“I am trying to get a spiritual effect. I dont see the beauty of sculpture as lying in the recreation of the physical form, but rather in the revealing of something previously invisible. I believe there is more than one way to represent the truth in things. What my work is aiming at is, above all, realism: I pursue the inner, hidden reality, the very essence of objects in their own intrinsic fundamental nature; this is my only deep preoccupation. ‘‘

Fouad Samy